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in Exercise
by Cpl Conor Walls
Photos by Capt Peter Cumiskey
(both Spt Coy, 62 Res Inf Bn)
n the 24th November 2012, Sp Coy, 62 Res Inf Bn conducted a defensive exercise in the Kilpedder area. The advantages to selecting this
piece of land were that it is military land, having previously been a
range, and is near to Dublin. The troops had prepared in barracks for several
weeks before the exercise, with all ranks receiving lectures on defensive tactics and the conduct of a defensive battle from Sgt Chris Mitchell, while also
getting kit and other equipment squared away.
The exercise troops were an interesting mix of varying levels of skill and
experience, with some of the privates fresh off recruit camp and some newly
promoted corporals, as well as corporals who recently finished the RDF Standard NCO Course in June 2012.
The aim of the exercise was to practice troops in the preparation and
occupation of a defensive position and to familiarise them with the routine
once in place. On the morning of the 24th, the troops, under the command of
Lt Laurence O���Carroll, assembled in Cathal Brugha Bks for the issue of stores
and the dissemination of orders.
Once this was done the main body, plus support elements, departed for
the drop-off point (DOP), some 5.1km from the exercise area. On reaching the
An Cosant��ir April 2013 www.dfmagazine.ie