An Cosantóir

Dec 2019 / Jan 2020

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Page 10 of 47 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE | 11 F R O N T L I N E M O B R O ' S BY LT PÁDRAIC AGNEW, 28 INF BN T his year the 28 Infantry Battalion have taken part in the annual Irish Cancer Society Movember campaign to raise awareness of men's cancers and suicide. The battalion team is led by Lt Pádraic Agnew and 2/Lt Alex Doran. The 28 Battalion is part of the National Emergency and Se- curity Services team called the 'Frontline Mo Bro's, which consists of An Garda Síochána, Dublin Fire Brigade, the National Ambulance Service, Irish Coast Guard, Civil Defence and all other Voluntary Emergency Services. Last year the Frontline Mo Bro's raised €36,500, this year the bat- talion hope to help increase this figure to over €40,000. Movember concluded in Finner Camp on 28th November with a 'Shave Off' night in the NCOs Mess. On the night there was competitions to find the best and worst Movember of 2019, as well as chest waxing to boost donations. For the last 3-years the Frontline Mo Bro's have been the No. 1 team in the country for donations raised. Led by team captain Jonathon Forbes, a firefighter/paramedic with Dublin Fire Brigade and RDF member with C Coy, RDF 7 Inf Bn. They are now the only team in the world to be awarded the title "International Team of Movember" and Jonathon Forbes the only Irishman to be named "International Man of Movember" in 2015. You can still donate to the 28 Infantry Bat- talion and the Frontline Mo-Bro's, by fol- lowing the link and select 'donate': https:// BY OLLIE O'CONNOR, CEO ONE PHOTOS BY ARMN SAM GIBNEY T he Organisation of National Ex-Service Personnel (ONE) held its 2019 Annual Convention and its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk on Saturday 28th September. Branch delegates attended where outgoing National President Tom James opened the convention by thanking all of the branches for the support he received during his two years in office and a special word of thanks to Presidents and Chairpersons of the three Area Councils for their loyal support and courtesy. Jim Fay was inaugurated as National Presi- dent for the next two years. ONE's CEO Ollie O'Connor presented his annual report to the convention, where he spoke of the work being carried out in the three hostels and eight Veterans Support Centres (VSC). He outlined the plan to increase the number of rooms available to homeless veterans in Brú na bhFi- ann from 30 to 35, the employment of a Veterans' Support Officer from January 2020, increasing the number of VSCs and the proposal to develop a 4-bedroom hostel and VSC in Cobh. He also thanked the professional staff and residents in the hostels for giving of their time above and beyond the call of duty, during the Sleeping Flags Campaign, which was the vision of the talented team of the Rothco advertising company. He also thanked the branches and their members for continuing to support the Fuchsia Appeal. The Convention focussed on four briefings with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Colm Campbell, presenting the first on ONE's Strategic Plan, 'Building for the Future'. The plan has seven goals: Consolidating and Future Proofing; Enhanced support and awareness; Government Veterans Policy (in union with the other veterans organisations), Finances of the organisation; Strengthen and invigorate ONE, Develop a sustain- able nationwide network of Veterans Support Centres and a nationwide network of Veterans Hostels. Former PSS Director, and ONE Director Ollie Barbour presented the second briefing, which concerned Veterans Welfare, and addressed training of Welfare Officers in Mental Health First Aid and other welfare areas. The third briefing was presented by the Chairman Colm Campbell and concentrated on the adoption of a new Handbook of Rules, which had been sent to every branch prior to the Conven- tion and was accepted by a very large vote. Recently retired Defence Forces Press Officer, Comdt Pat O'Connor, presented the fourth brief- ing as the guest speaker, 'Communicating on behalf of ONE'. Brig Gen Colm Campbell (ret'd) ONE's Chairman giving a briefing on ONE's Strategic Plan, 'Building for the Future'. National President Jim Fay (right) presenting the award for 'Best Branch' to Galway Branch Chairman Pat Nugent. 28 Inf Bn members at the start of their Movember Campaign. 28 Inf Bn Officers (L/R): 2/Lt Alex Doran, Lt Brian Dunne, Lt Pádraic Agnew, Lt Daniel Mc Chrystal and Lt Cormac Nellis. Pte Jonathan Forbes, C Coy, 7 Inf Bn (AR)

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