An Cosantóir

Dec 2019 / Jan 2020

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir Dec 2019/Jan 2020 16 | BY CAPT GERRY DUFF, ASST S2/PIO, 114 INF BN The Defence Forces have been an integral part of the history of Lebanon since 1958, when Irish officers were deployed there with UNOGIL (United Nations Observer Group in Lebanon). We were one of the first troop-contributing nations to UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) when it was established in 1978, and we have maintained a consistent presence in the mission ever since. Sadly, 47 members of the Defence Forces have paid the ultimate price in the service of peace during this time. There is no love lost between the various belligerents in the region. The last open conflict occurred in 2006 when the IDF (Israeli Defence Force) conducted air and ground operations in Lebanon as a result of a Hezbollah raid into Israeli territory that resulted in the deaths of Israeli troops. This 'July War' caused massive devastation in South Lebanon and cost 1,109 lives. In the run-up to the latest hostilities, a number of incidents occurred in Lebanon and the wider region that led to Septem- ber's events. On 24 August air strikes were carried out in Syria against pro- Iranian forces, during which two Hezbollah operatives, Lebanese nationals, were killed. Then in the early hours of 25 August, two quadcopter drones, each carrying an estimated 5.5kg of explosives, were observed in southern Beirut; the first was brought down by 16 | O n Sunday 1 September, a 'groundhog' was called for personnel of 114 Inf Bn in response to an outbreak of hostilities in the battalion's AO (area of operations), which had been expected after escalating tensions over the previous weeks.

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