An Cosantóir

Dec 2019 / Jan 2020

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir Dec 2019/Jan 2020 28 | Are you happy to receive updates on the work you are helping to make possible by email or telephone? If so, please fill in your details below. Telephone number Email We'll contact you from time to time using the details you've provided, which may include correspondence about claiming tax back, but we'll never sell or share your data. If you'd rather not hear from us, please let us know by emailing or calling 01 663 7666. I enclose a  cheque  postal order (payable to Sightsavers) OR I would like to pay by  MasterCard  Visa  Please do not send cash by post. Card number  Valid from  M M / Y Y Expiry date  M M / Y Y Name on card Signature Date  D D / M M Title First name Surname Full home address Postcode It costs just €0.17 to provide the an bio cs needed to treat one child for trachoma. © Sightsavers/Jason J Mulikita Please return your completed form to Sightsavers, First Floor, Spencer House, Spencer Row, Freepost FDN5241, Dublin 1. We urgently need your help to reach children like two-year-old Nalukena from Zambia. She has suffered with trachoma her entire life. It makes her eyelashes turn inwards, scraping against the eye with every blink. If left untreated, trachoma can cause irreversible blindness, which could destroy her future. Sightsavers has been fighting trachoma for decades and now, at last, the end is in sight. You can help us provide the vital antibiotics to treat more children like Nalukena – and eliminate the disease for good. Will you give €30 and help end the agony of trachoma – for good? Here is my gi of: €15 €30 €50 €100 Or surprise us! € – Sightsavers is commi ed to the highest standards of transparency, governance and accountability to ensure we deliver maximum value and impact with your generous dona ons. Sightsavers is fully commi ed to the Chari es Regulator's Guidelines for Charitable Organisa ons on Fundraising from the Public and also fully adheres to the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messaging. Your dona on will be used to support our work wherever the need is greatest. Thank You. Registered Charity Number 20053246 Return your form, visit or call 01 663 7666 to make your gift today. Thank you. PR1219IR-BAK-AC

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