An Cosantóir

May/June 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 19 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP IN THE MILITARY: ENHANCING PERFORMANCE AND OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE | 19 SLEEP – WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? BY COMDT DES CONNOLLY I n the military, where physical and mental alertness is crucial, sleep plays a vitally important role in maintaining optimal performance and operational effectiveness. Military personnel are often subjected to demanding and high- stress environments that can disrupt their sleep patterns and lead to sleep deprivation. This can be particularly prevalent when personnel are serving overseas, where operational demands are high. In any case, understanding and prioritising the importance of sleep in the military context is essential for the well-being and success of military personnel. First and foremost, sleep is essential for the physical health and recovery of military personnel. In demanding operational environments, soldiers are subjected to rigorous physical training, intense physical exertion, and potential exposure to harsh weather conditions. Sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate tissues, strengthen the immune system, and restore energy levels. Insufficient sleep compromises the body's ability to recover from physical strain and increases the risk of injuries, fatigue-related accidents, and musculoskeletal problems. Adequate sleep is vital for ensuring that military personnel remain physically fit and resilient, ready to face the physical challenges they encounter. The immune system, our body's defence against infections and diseases, relies on adequate sleep to function optimally. During sleep, the immune system releases cytokines, proteins that help fight inflammation and infections. Sleep deprivation weakens the immune response, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe infections. In addition to the physical and cognitive benefits, sleep also supports creativity and enhances problem-solving abilities. Research has shown that sleep promotes a process called memory consolidation, where the brain reorganizes and strengthens memories. This process allows for the integration of newly acquired information with existing knowledge, leading to enhanced creativity and the ability to generate innovative ideas. Many artists, writers, and scientists have attributed their breakthroughs to insights gained through dreams or well-rested periods of sleep. Moreover, sleep plays a critical role in cognitive functioning and decision-making abilities. In the military, split-second decisions and the ability to think clearly under pressure can be a matter of life and death. Sleep deprivation has a profound impact on cognitive function, attention, memory, and problem-solving skills. It impairs judgment, reaction time, and the ability to assess risks accurately. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived individuals exhibit decreased vigilance, diminished situational awareness, and impaired decision-making abilities, all of which can have severe consequences in military operations. Deprivation A study conducted by Harrison, Horne, and Rothwell (2000) examined the effects of sleep deprivation on military performance and found that sleep loss negatively impacted various cognitive functions. It impaired sustained attention, working memory, and psychomotor performance, all of which are essential for military tasks. The study concluded that adequate sleep is vital for maintaining cognitive performance and recommended implementing strategies to ensure sufficient sleep for military personnel. Furthermore, sleep deprivation can have a detrimental effect on mental health and psychological well-being. Military personnel often face high levels of stress, traumatic experiences, and the constant demand for alertness. Lack of sleep exacerbates these challenges, increasing the risk of developing mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Prioritising adequate sleep is crucial for promoting mental resilience and maintaining optimal psychological well-being in military personnel. In addition to individual well-being, sleep also has significant implications for unit performance and operational effectiveness. In a military setting, effective teamwork and coordination are essential for mission success. Sleep deprivation can hinder communication, cooperation, and coordination among team members. It impairs interpersonal skills, emotional regulation, and the ability to work effectively as part of a team. Sleep-deprived individuals are more prone to making mistakes, exhibiting poor judgment, and experiencing conflicts within the unit. These factors can negatively impact overall mission readiness and compromise operational effectiveness. Recognizing the importance of sleep, military organizations have started implementing measures to prioritize sleep health and education. The U.S. Army, for instance, has implemented the Performance Triad program, which emphasizes the importance of sleep, activity, and nutrition for optimal performance. The program provides education and resources to help soldiers develop healthy sleep habits and ensure adequate rest. In conclusion, sleep plays a crucial role in the military context, impacting physical health, cognitive functioning, mental resilience, and operational effectiveness. Get your 7-8 hours! The Personnel Support Service (PSS): PSS staff are available to you in every location of the DF on island. Additionally, every overseas deployment is supported by PSS. You can access details of your PSS support team by emailing In some cases, PSS staff will visit you in your mission area, and will maintain contact with you throughout your deployment. PSS staff are available to both you and your family to support you through your deployment experience, including when you return home. The Chaplaincy Service: DF Chaplains are available in some mission areas and are always available at home to military personnel and to their families. DF Medical, Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology services: DF Clinical Psychologists are available to support members of the Defence Forces during their deployment. These services are usually contacted through your MO. The INSPIRE Counselling Service is a free and confidential service, available 24/7/365 to ALL Defence Forces personnel and adult family members – 1800 409673 OR 00353(0)1 685 6816 Good luck to you all who are serving overseas at the moment and to those who will return home soon. And if you are struggling in any way, please use the services and supports available. Safe travels! Soldiers getting some sleep after an exercise Soldier getting that vital five minute nap Soldiers become experts at sleeping anywhere

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