An Cosantóir

May/June 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 9 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE Members of 121 Inf Bn UNIFIL who ran another recent successful charity event Capt Chris Slattery (AR) 2 Bde CIS (AR) who made a recent trip to UNIFIL Recruits from the 62nd & 63rd platoons seen here during their first 24hr training exercise 23rd Pot NCO course based in 1 Bde BTC taking part in a Coy Comdrs challenge Troops from the 7th 2-3* platoon based in the 7 Inf Bn marching with Rory Best Lust for Life charity event ran in UNIFIL, seen here from L-R is BSM McDonnell, Sgt Turner, Bn Cdr Lt Col Murphy & DCO Comdt McDermott from 121 Inf Bn CQMS (Retd) Ken Sheridan receiving a presentation from Col Brownen, President of the DF Dive Gp 2 Bde Cav Sqn on a recent Captains Escort of Honour for President Michael D. Higgins Crew of LÉ Samuel Beckett climbing Hungry Hill County Cork during some well- deserved R&R after their last patrol Cadet School Novice Rifle and Falling Plates Winning Teams and Staff

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