An Cosantóir

An Cosantoir July & August 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 13 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE ment. This was a huge challenging phase of the com- petition due to the heat and the huge significance placed on marksmanship but the team were confident in the in- dividual skills, which allowed them to score very well, de- spite operating new weapons systems. Having placed 12th after the sequencing events the Defence Forces Cavalry team chose competition order 'Gallegos'. This meant the team would keep the reconnaissance and secu- rity ground and tactical phase until the last day. Tuesday 02 May began at 0600 hrs with a communication lane. Using a Sincgars and Harris radio, the squad was instructed to construct a field antenna and send a multiple coded message to Arizona, over 2500km away. Having successfully complet- ing this event the squad was broken into groups of two for the call for fire event. Using an artillery simulator, teams had to identify, adjust fire and neutralise the EN threat within a given timeframe. Following this event the team was moved to a location where each member was randomly allocated one of the weapon systems they had conducted training on just a few days previously. Each member had to dissemble, reassemble, perform a safety function check and complete immediate action drills on the new weapon systems un- der time constraints. Events on this day concluded with a conditioning course. This extremely physical obstacle course blended strength, endurance, speed and technique in order to manoeuvre through the course as a team. Two rounds of the course culminated with a 30ft rope climb, which tested each team member's individual physical condition and mental fortitude. After some food, rest and a lot of water the team was ready to attack the next day of events. At 0500 hrs the team took off on its land navigation event. The terrain for the navigation event was a blend of intricate cross country track systems coupled with dense forest jungle type terrain. This event proved to be a strong point for the Defence Forces Cavalry team, with all members completing the event in under two and a half hours. The second event of the day saw the team employ the U.S. medical principle of TCCC (Tactical Causality Combat Care). The team was assessed in their ability to render medical aid to two half a million dollar dummies equipped with lifeline sensors. Hav- ing quickly accessed and addressed the wounds, the team performed a successful casevac and medevac out of the area. The last event of the day required the team to conduct combat vehicle identification as they looked through the feed of an unarmed surveillance drone. From this drone feed the team had to correctly identify all Enemy vehicles shown and relay this information to higher HQ using U.S. Army reporting procedures. The final day began earlier again. At 0400 hrs the team set off on its Route Reconnaissance event. During the event the team was required to disseminate information from an OPORD and gather information on the route with a focus on the curvature and gradient. The team gathered the necessary information accurately and timely before identifying an EN OP, destroying the EN by putting in a successful flanking ma- noeuvre attack. The next event was a squad live fire exercise as part of an area reconnaissance tasking. Having patrolled into an area, the squad identified and engaged multiple close in targets simulating an advancing enemy after which teams were hunted by an enemy force as they tactically withdrew to the safety of a pickup point. The team achieved a perfect score in this event, winning the event outright. The last event of the day saw the squad conduct an OP Screen action in conjunction with other competitor teams. Having completed the tactical reconnaissance and security tasking the team enjoyed a quick power nap before beginning the final competition event "The final charge". Beginning with a two mile run the event consisted of a combination of all the events and Cavalry Scout skills that the teams were tested on over the six day period. Despite extreme temperatures, little to no rest, unfamiliar en- vironments, and foreign weapons, the 1st Armoured Cavalry Squadron team placed 11th overall out of the 22 of the best scout teams from around the world. Their team spirit, com- munication, enthusiasm, and the comradeship they brought to each event was commended throughout. At the awards ceremony, the Irish team was the only other team alongside the overall winners (13th Light Brigade, Royal Netherlands Army) to receive a standing ovation. Irish Defence Forces participation at the Gainey Cup highlighted the world class Reconnaissance Soldiers produced by the Cavalry Corps, and the Defence Forces, on the International Stage. Crossing the Finish line during event 4, the stress shoot Award Ceremony Medical Lane event The team on the Range, Zeroing the M4 DF International Scout Team + Coaches outside the US Army Manoeuvre Centre of Excellence

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