An Cosantóir

An Cosantoir July & August 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 15 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE | 15 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE of Irish and Maltese troops, and conduct operations in Armoured Utility Vehicles (AUVs) and MOWAG APCs. As a ground holding company, the role of A Coy is to maintain a presence of two platoons in UNP 2-45 and along the Blue Line with one platoon in UNP 6-52. In the event of a major incident, A Coy has the capability to constitute a platoon sized reserve element known as Wildcat to support the BMR when required. Uniquely among IRISHPOLBATT troops, A Coy personnel maintain a Crowd Riot Control (CRC) capability in order to react to incidents involving hostile crowds. During 122 Inf Bn's tour of duty A Coy has displayed the high standard of its CRC drills. As part of a major Sector West Combined Exercise (COMBINEX), A Coy, Recce Coy and Italian Sector Mobile Reserve (SMR) troops were required to extract a Polish patrol which had been blocked by a hostile crowd of role players. In addition, A Coy pers also conducted combined CRC training with Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) troops. Training such as this and in other areas like FIBUA enhance LAF tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), and also enhances understanding and interoperability between LAF and IRISHPOLBATT troops RECCE COMPANY 122 INFANTRY BATTALION Recce Company, 122 Inf Bn constitute the Battalion Mobile Reserve (BMR) for IRISHPOLBATT. Part of the BMRs role is to work in close cooperation with (ICCW) other UNIFIL contingents. The Force Commanders Reserve (FCR) consisting of French and Finnish Manoeuvre Companies as well as a Multinational HQ is UNIFILs primary Quick Reaction Force (QRF) deployable at ten (10) minutes Notice To Move (NTM). Recently, the FCR conducted a deployment to a forward staging area in the IRISHPOLBATT Area of Operations. This deployment was the culmination of training to test the FCRs ability to deploy Tactical Forward elements at short notice in Battalion (-) strength. The ability to complete these tasks is facilitated by Battalions such as IRISHPOLBATT on the ground. Recce Coy IRISHPOLBATT supported the FCR by conducting a 'Mark and Guide' task to assist rapid deployment of manoeuvre companies and command elements. This task required 'link up' with the FCR at the boundary of the Battalion Area of Operations, guiding each FCR package to a pre–reconnoitred, secure location known as a 'Vehicle Leaguer' from where it could conduct future operations. Exercises such as this enhance the BMRs ability to interact effectively and efficiently with UNIFIL HQ elements to achieve interoperability and operational objectives. LT Clare MURPHY - Recce Tp Comdr, Recce Coy — 122 INF BN UNIFIL I am Lt Clare Murphy from 2 Cavalry Sqn. This is my first appointment overseas and my appointment is Cavalry Troop Commander. As part of my appointment I am in charge of the Quick Reaction Team (QRT). I also have the additional job of Recce Coy training whereby continuous essential training and development will be continued and programmed for the duration of the deployment. Phase 2 training was in Kilworth Camp and is where I met the majority of my Troop. Training proved challenging in that essential training needed to be conducted while also liaising and arranging with the CS personnel for Medicals, Dentals and Ranges. This was also the beginning of a rigorous training environment where we were drilled and trained on vehicle navigation, medial training, DFOM training and counter IED training. Phase 3 training in the Glen of Imaal was a culmination of all aspects of the training programme from Kilworth. This training in particular is where I felt the most development in running a troop in an operational setting. A major aspect of the training focused on DFOM training where a red, amber and green escalation and reaction SOP was implemented. This training was done in various stages and each patrol commander was driven into a different scenario of different escalations and de-escalations. This is also where the QRT got drilled in Scheme of Defence, Groundhog and Highfield scenarios that we may encounter in UNIFIL. I feel the FTX scenario prepared us successfully for various scenarios we may encounter and proved vital to reinforce skills. CPL Raymond THOMPSON - Command Post Ack — 122 INF BN UNIFIL My name is Cpl Raymond Thompson I am member of 1 Gun Battery 2nd Brigade Artillery Regiment. I am currently deployed on the 122 Inf battalion in UNIFIL with the mortar platoon. This is my 4th trip to Lebanon and my first summer trip. My appointment while deployed in the mission area is Command Post Cpl Ack. It is my responsibility to Lay out a battery of 120mm Mortars and process the firing data that

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