An Cosantóir

September/October 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 11 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE WHAT DO WE DO? Many of the skillsets gained through the DFDG have a military application and can enable better exercises and more challenging scenarios during Unit training, career courses etc. all designed to develop a better prepared member of the DF going forward. We are actively involved in contributing to DF exercises, by providing means for amphibious insertions of troops on FTX, including the recent MOUT instructor cse in the 2 BTC, Cambrian patrol water crossing serials, SERE courses, Recce and Sniper concentrations. We also provide water safety and Surface Cover /Swimmers for water crossing serials, confidence training, and adventure races conducted within the DF. Recently the DFDG have been activily supporting the AC in a number of their activities such as Helicasting drills and crewman selection. Additionally the DFDG have assisted in providing safety whilst AC personnel undergo SWET and HUET training with our pool of qualified instructors. In terms of diving, members of the DFDG have always managed to challenge themselves diving in different locations both at home and abroad. At home, we get to dive some of the best dive locations in the world, focusing on remoter areas of the West and South coasts, such as Bere Island, North Donegal and Mayo. The DFDG also conducts overseas trips (self-funded) to some of the worlds most challenging and spectacular dive locations with members having visited locations ranging from the Red Sea, Scapa Flow, Arctic Azores and the Antarctic. This year the DFDG conducted two training courses as part of the ATED, namely a Beginner / Continuation Dive Course and an Advanced Dive Camp, additionally we conduct two days CPD training a month (weather dependant) in areas such as Dive Skills, Rescue Skills, Boat Handling and Navigation. The Basic Course this year was conducted from 15-26 May in the DFTC and Bere Island, with the first week in the pool in DFPES. The week was a mix of classroom theory and pool drills including snorkel tests and water confidence, with an emphasis on safety and drills, but most importantly on confidence training. On the Friday following a move to Bere Island, West Cork the open water element to the course began where the trainees were challenged to step outside their comfort zone and practice their skills in the open water of Bantry Bay. As with all our training courses, The Basic Dive Course is based on Diving Irelands syllabus for qualifying entry level divers or CMAS Diver 1* (an internationally recognised civilian qualification). In addition to this the DFDG incorporate additional skills and lectures to develop trainees with skills that are transferable within the DF; such as assisting or planning dive briefs, boat handling and exercise support skills, medical, weather & sea state analysis and navigation amongst other highly useful skills. Many of our instructors bring qualifications learned in the DF to the courses and ensure standards are as high as possible. Areas such as navigation training, medical support, equipment maintainence are all supported by team members and ensure DFDG contributions to all DF activities are always at the highest standards and based and derived from DF standards augmented with lessons learned from civilian courses. The second course conducted in Sept was the Advanced Dive Camp in Donegal which is focused on developing member's skillsets and building the instructor pool for the future. Some members have progressed their skills with us and through external instruction to such an extent that a recent dive off Donegal saw one of our team reach 115m on a WW2 wreck using the latest rebreather technology. To ensure skills and best practices are maintained to the highest standards, members are encouraged to remain abreast of current developments and practices within the sport. The DFDG use every opportunity to upskill our existing members, with a number of our personnel qualifying as Leading Divers, Rescue Diver and Advanced Nitrox Divers, mixed gas blenders amongst others. Additionally CS Kenneth Murphy recently qualified as a Leading Instructor (M3), the highest diving grade internationally within CMAS. This followed an lengthy process not alone in practical dive skills but extensive education on multiple diving topics. As with all adventure training medical training is essential and is maintained and supported by essential CMU personnel. Within the group Sgt Emmanuel O'Keefe CMU and CQMS Diarmuid Scannell 1 Bde Ord Gp, both highly skilled Paramedics, lead this. Instruction in all areas here conforms with the best CMU standards and practices and ensures should an accident occur, the members of DFDG are thouroughly prepared to render assistance. A key feature of the DFDG is its engagement with service Veterans. Each year a number of veterans attend our main courses. Their contributions allow us benefit from their vast experience but also address the gaps in our instructor pool. They attend following specific criteria laid down and approved, and integrate seamlessly into the very familiar training structures we employ. Cpl Pat King (4 Cav Sqn Retd), for example, was a member of the original group in the 1970's and continues to instruct and support new members of the DFDG. The contact also maintains and fosters the passing on of the DF culture, history, deployment and war stories too! With military sports diving in the DF nearing its 50th year, it has continuously evolved from a small group of determined individuals with little resources, to a well-equipped, dedicated team of highly qualified personnel, delivering a variety of services to the DF, supporting and enhancing training whilst focusing on developing our people. If you are interested in anything to do with recreational diving, powerboating or joining the DFDG please contact your local Rep on or through the Connect app. THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE | 11 Ribs on exercise at Dublin Port, earlier this year Gully at Grannan Rock Bere Island Swim through Grannan Rock Bere Island Never know what you might meet, diver encounters a jelly fish Cpl Paddy O'Grady, Cpl Pat King, Sgt Joe Bourke, Sgt Martin Walsh and Comdt Pat Sweeney seen on a training exercise near the Cliffs of Moher in 1987 Diver testing buoyancy control

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