An Cosantóir

September/October 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir September / October 2023 12 | LEADERSHIP THROUGH EXAMPLE BY THE LEADERSHIP DOCTRINE WORKING GROUP LEADERSHIP The ethos of Óglaigh na hÉireann is rooted in our volunteer tradition, which has underpinned our service to the State for over 100 years. Throughout that time, the Defence Forces have been central to Ireland's response to a wide range of national and international events and crises. In recent times, we have faced a broad range of Defence and Security challenges at global, regional and national levels. The Covid-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, the impact of climate change and cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure have brought a renewed focus on the importance of having a flexible, capable and appropriately-resourced Defence Forces. The report of the Commission on the Defence Forces, and the recent publication of the Detailed Implementation Plan, presents a unique opportunity to transform the organisation in terms of our structures, staffing and capabilities. This transformation won't happen overnight, and we will face challenges as we forge ahead with the development of our Joint Force to meet future threats. Effective and proactive leadership will be fundamental THE LEADERSHIP HUB To complement and support the introduction of our new Leadership Doctrine, we have developed a Leadership Hub on CONNECT. Every member of our organisation is a leader, regardless of their rank or appointment. The Leadership Hub provides a Space where all within our organisation can access useful resources that can support our daily work, regardless of rank or appointment. We have included all types of interesting and easily accessible resources including an Audiobook version of the Doctrine, podcasts on leadership, associated articles and books, presentations, lectures and lots, lots more. The Leadership Hub can be accessed on CONNECT from the 8th November with a QR code provided below. LEADERSHIP DOCTRINE VIGNETTE 1: LEADERSHIP REFLECTION 3 – TEAM WORK Leadership is about balance. It's knowing when to push yourself to the forefront, to lead by example. But somewhat counterintuitively, it is also about knowing when to take a step back and provide your team with the freedom and resources to achieve the mission. For a leader to be effective, those around them must trust their ability and judgement. This can be achieved by demonstrating the former, leading from the front. The Naval Service Diving Section combined diving course is a prime example. It is a course where students are pushed to their absolute limits physically and mentally. Many people ask how or what set me apart. How was I able to pass a course that many men before me had not? The answer is simple, NOTHING. All candidates are held to the same exact standards, and are expected to be capable of conducting the same roles. Students are held to the highest standards of integrity, honesty and humility. For one to achieve in this environment, they must prove that they are able to thrive as part of a team under immense pressure. Leadership in this context must be displayed by everyone, be willing to push past all preconceived limits and bring their "buddy" along with them. The water is cold, dark and intimidating sometimes all that you have to hold onto is the reassuring pull of your buddy at the other end of your swim line. Every member of the Defence Forces, regardless of rank or appointment, is a leader. — DEFENCE FORCES LEADERSHIP DOCTRINE P.17 " " to our growth and development as an organisation. Central to our progress will be the positive stewardship of our culture and climate. All of our personnel have a fundamental right to dignity and respect in the workplace, and this doctrine sets out that it is the job of our leaders to ensure that our working environment is one where all personnel feel valued and respected, and where behaviour is grounded in our values as an organisation. This is critical to our capability as a military force, because our personnel are the most important element of our capability, and leadership is central to mission success across the spectrum of operations. This second edition of our leadership doctrine describes what we hold to be important in the conduct of ethical and effective leadership. It discusses the type of leaders we should be in terms of our character; what we need to know in terms of our competence; and what we need to do in terms of our behaviour. It should be read by all members of the Defence Forces, but like all doctrine, it requires judgement in its application. There are no simple answers to leading in the complex environment we find ourselves in, however the parameters and guidelines in this doctrine should be considered, together with the context of each situation, in order to exert a positive influence on our personnel; develop and evaluate individuals, teams and the organisation; and achieve the mission. Ultimately, the most powerful leadership influence is, as it has always been, the men and women of Óglaigh na hÉireann giving the most positive example to our colleagues through our presence, our words and our actions. LEADERSHIP THROUGH EXAMPLE VALUES COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONALISM OWN ATTRIBUTES BEHAVIOR DEVOTION TO DUTY STANDARDS LEADERSHIP THROUGH EXAMPLE COMPETENCE WELFARE OF TROOPS COMMITMENT LT (NS) Tahlia Britton

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