An Cosantóir

September/October 2023

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir September / October 2023 14 | 27 INF BN CELEBRATE BY LT CONOR KENNEDY PHOTOS BY LT CONOR KENNEDY THE COMMEMORATIVE PROGRAM This year the 27th Infantry Battalion held its final anniversary commemoration of its centenary commemorative program, marking the units 50th Anniversary with a parade in Market Square Dundalk. The Aiken Barracks commemorative program was planned and organised by the 27th Inf Bn Anniversary Committee, which consisted of military personnel and several local historians and authors. Numerous members of the committee had long-standing family ties with the units' history, including a number of members with family who served under Comdt General Frank Aiken in the 4th Northern Division. The Committee planned to mark all of the unit's most historically important dates and promote community engagement with the history of Aiken Barracks and the 27th Inf Bn. These events commenced last year on 13 Apr 2022 with the commemoration of 100 years since the British forces withdrew from Aiken Barracks, Dundalk on 13 Apr 1922. This event saw the 27th Inf Bn march proudly through Dundalk, with the support of family and friends, and onto Aiken Barracks square where the handover ceremony took place. Following this, the Anniversary Committee ran a commemorative event, on the 14 Aug 2022, where the 27th Inf Bn respectfully marked the anniversary date of the civil war executions and those killed during the 5th Northern Divisions raid on Dundalk military barracks. As part of the commemoration program, the Committee conducted various guided tours of Aiken Barracks. These tours were hosted by Sgt Lucchesi, a key contributor in the establishment of the committee and one of its leading members, alongside Capt Padraic Agnew. These guided tours were open to the public in order to share the long and rich history of the 27th Inf Bn and its relations with Dundalk town and its communities. THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT The commemoration of the 50th anniversary was marked with a parade, held on Saturday 02 Sep 2023, where currently serving members of the unit marched through Dundalk town and onto the historical Market Square where the parade was held. At 1040hrs that morning, the 27th Inf Bn marched onto the square and stood at the position of 'aire' where they awaited the arrival of their commanding officer Lt Col Frank Colclough and the Cathaoirleach of Louth County Council, Paula Butterly. Upon their arrival, the parade under the command of Adjutant 27th Inf Bn, Capt Hugh Simpson, rendered a general salute and the brigade colours flag was marched on parade. After reviewing the troops on parade, the Cathaoirleach addressed those at the event, welcoming the families and friends of serving members and veterans, thanking them for the sacrifices they have made and for the commitment they have demonstrated throughout the unit's history. The Cathaoirleach acknowledged the vast amount of diverse and difficult functions and duties the 27th Inf Bn has carried out from Aiken Barracks over the years. From the various on island duties and taskings, such as assisting An Garda Síochána in the protection of the internal security of the state, policing the fisheries, aiding in preparation for the defence of the state from attack, to the numerous overseas commitments including peacekeeping, crisis management, and humanitarian relief operations. She then thanked the unit, and its past and present members, for its years of loyal service, as in times of trouble and turmoil the 27th Inf Bn have assisted communities of Dundalk by taking part in search and rescue operations, providing relief in times of natural disaster, and ensuring the maintenance of essential services. Following this, OC 27th Inf Bn Lt Col Frank Colclough spoke to the crowds, acknowledging the long history of cooperation and good relations between the unit and the communities of Dundalk. Lt Col Colclough also took the time to remember all those members of 27th Inf Bn who have lost their lives overseas, including Pte Seán Rooney who tragically died on the 14 Dec 2022, while deployed overseas with UNIFIL. HISTORY OF AIKEN BARRACKS Dundalk has always been known as a garrison town with its military history dating all the way back to the 9th century. The barracks, originally a linen mill, was rebuilt by the British in 1825, where it accommodated a cavalry regiment. The barracks saw varied use over the following 70 years as it was occupied by various units of dragoons, lancers and hussars. However, in 1902 it was once again rebuilt to accommodate a newly established British artillery regiment. A little over a decade later, the barracks saw a massive increase in numbers and activity as with the beginning of World War 1 hundreds of troops would join the war effort and were stationed in Dundalk. The barracks remained under British control until 13 Apr 1922, when Comdt General Frank 50 YEARS 27 Inf Bn on the main square in Dundalk town 27 Inf Bn on the square Flag officer LT Harry Swan

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