An Cosantóir

May/June 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir May / June 2024 16 | THE 99TH CADET CLASS PHOTOS PROVIDED BY COMDT GARY RYAN T he 99th Cadet Class commenced training on the 04 Nov 2022 under the command of Comdt Gary Ryan, with 31 Army, 10 AC, and 1 Maltese Cadet. Highlights of the Cadetship included the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes, the SERE, MOUT, and ISTAR exercises, Adventure Week, and various sporting achievements, including block winners of the 2023 An Cosantóir 10k, and others, some of which will feature here. The class was commissioned on the 17th April 2024 into various units across the Defence Forces and the Armed Forces of Malta. Adventure Week – Lt Conall Gallagher (commissioned to 1 ACS, DFTC) Throughout my time in the Cadet School we had many enjoyable experiences but the highlight for me was the week spent in Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa, Renmore, Galway, fondly known as Adventure Week. Over the course of a sunny week in June, the Cadets were split up across three different activities; scuba diving, rock climbing, and kayaking, learning new skills and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. Cadets had to overcome their fear of water and heights by day, some better than others, and enjoyed a few well- earned refreshments in Galway City by night. It was a week that had it all and is one that will live long in the memory of all Cadets. MOUT – Lt Conor O'Brien (commissioned to Ord Gp, DFTC) The most enjoyable part of the Cadetship for myself would have to be the Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) block that was conducted at the end of Phase 3, December 2023. The first week began with a couple of days of classroom instruction in the Cadet School and then more practical instruction in the Military Training Facility (MTF), here in the Curragh Camp. We were instructed on all the relevant parts of MOUT such as Close Quarters Battle (CQB) and defending the positions once taken (DIBUA). The newly obtained skills were then applied during the second week which took place in Marino Point, Cork and Fort Davis. ISTAR – Lt Eran Farrell (commissioned to CIS Gp, DFTC) The ISTAR Exercise, high in the Wicklow Mountains, was a definite highlight of my cadetship. From the meticulous planning and the physically robust insertion, to the intelligence gathering and immersive tactical situations we found ourselves in, this exercise had it all. An elusive enemy party with a penchant for laying ambushes kept us on our toes the entire week. The narrative compiled by our numerous RECCEs and OPs allowed our Platoon Commanders to devise an Assault that will live in my memory forever. The Enemy encampment, conveniently exposed to our FSG from the East, was swiftly overrun and the 99th Cadet Inf COY boarded ROPS with victory in hand. Lourdes – 2/Lt Sive Byrne (commissioned to Arty Sch, DFTC) On the 11th of May 2023, the 99th Cadet Class travelled to Lourdes for the 63rd International Military Pilgrimage. The trip started with an opening ceremony where the cadets were introduced to militaries from all over the world, as well as various groups attending Lourdes for the well-known International Military Pilgrimage. Lourdes was a very rewarding experience as the cadets spent time with members of the Curragh Group, organising events and outings that added immensely 99th Cadet Class pennant Members of 99th Cadet Class march forward to take oath and receive sword Cadet Adventure week is always important for team bonding MOUT training exercise Cadets performing physically demanding ISTAR training

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