An Cosantóir

May/June 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 25 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE from both the Department of Defence and Defence Forces, led by a Government appointed Veterans' Commissioner. We salute the valuable material and social support provided by ONE, IUNVA, the Defence Forces Benevolent Fund, and our own membership, to vulnerable Veterans, and to the families of those serving personnel who find themselves in need. Submissions to Government Departments Our members' collective service in demanding operational environments at home and overseas, and through dynamic internal reorganisations and reforms, represents a considerable repository of knowledge, experience, and expertise within the realm of Defence. Consequently, ARCO is very well positioned to constructively contribute to discussions on Defence related issues and concerns. In recent times ARCO has made numerous written and verbal submissions on a wide range of issues including: Commission on the Defence Forces; Review of the Department of Defence (Civil Service Renewal Plan); Consultative Forum on International Security Policy; Independent Review Group – Defence Forces; External Oversight Body; the Tribunal of Inquiry; and the Defence (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Oireachtas Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence). Fostering Professional Excellence Arising from its objectives, ARCO fosters professional excellence within the Defence Forces through the sponsorship of an award for the Best Student on Army, Naval Service and Air Corps Cadet Courses, and through the Defence Forces Mentoring Programme. Harnessing our diverse skills, and vast range of expertise and experience, derived from our service in the Defence Forces, we continue to support these Mentoring Programmes, which involve the current generation of officers who are the future generation of ARCO's membership. Reinforcing ARCO's motto Camaraderie Through Service and its outreach programme with serving officers, our mentoring concept reciprocates the investment and experience gained from service in the Defence Forces. Networking Networking is a new direction for ARCO, providing communications and opportunities, for both our members and the wider Defence Community. The associated events enhance the valuable links among both serving and retired officers, providing opportunities to share talents and interests for their common benefit. During 2022 and 2023, as part of our outreach programme, ARCO hosted successful Panel Discussions, moderated by Capt Philip Quinlan (Retd), on Ireland's Defence and Defence Forces – Emerging Challenges and Opportunities (Hotel Keadeen, Newbridge), and on Military Career Transition to the Civil Service (Cedar and Cypress Rooms, UCD, Belfield). Communications ARCO's Website, Social Media Platforms, Text-a-Message Service and Newsletter are core elements of our Information Strategy. Newsletters are readily available on our Website, Newsletter 44 outlined ARCO's observations and actions arising from the Independent Review Group – Defence Forces. ARCO's LinkedIn, X and Facebook Platforms facilitate cost effective and efficient communications support for our membership. They also provide a marketing tool for the Association, allow us to connect with potential members, and with our extensive Target Audience, including "followers". Future ARCO's focus for the short to medium term, is to protect our legacy, ethos, and values, to implement our aim and objectives, and to advance the Association's relevance to its evolving membership cohort. For further information, please visit ARCO's Website: About Us, Membership, Rules, Information (Circulars, Submissions, Family Support Booklet), Communications (Newsletters, Texting Service), Links, and Webmail, and follow us on LinkedIn, X and Facebook. Website: ARCO Executive Committee 2023 / 2024 Officers President: Brig Gen Séamus Ó Giolláin Vice President: Capt (NS) David Barry Secretary: Col Brendan McAndrew Treasurer: Col Brian Monahan Membership Secretary: Col Des Bergin Regional Representatives Eastern Region: Capt Philip Quinlan Eastern Region: Comdt Ciarán Motherway Southern Region: Capt Tony Doonan Southern Region: Capt Oonagh Maher Western Region: Brig Gen Peter O'Halloran Western Region: Col Eamon Caulfield DFTC Region: Lt Col Seamus Rouine DFTC Region: Comdt Eoin McDaid NS Region: Cmdr Gerard O'Flynn (NS) NS Region: Capt (NS) David Barry AC Region: Lt Col John Kirke AC Region: Comdt Paul Deevy Co-Opted Members Website Manager: Comdt William Campbell Newsletter Editor: Col Declan Carbery Social Media Manager: Comdt Ken Sheehan Representative on CAOGA Board: Lt Col Sean Scanlon Representative on DFBF Committee: Brig Gen Paul Pakenham Representative on Council Alliance of Retired Public Servants: Lt Col Joe Ahern Auditor and Trustees Auditor: Comdt Pat Casey Trustee: Col Billy Nott Trustee: Lt Col Pat Godfrey Trustee: Capt Ray Murphy Lieutenant Ben Breen, 98 Cadet Class and 27 Infantry Battalion, recipient of An Claidheamh Gascíocht with his parents Seán and Bernadette Breen. Guests 2023 Annual General Meeting ARCO Sword being presented to best cadet 98th Cadet Class ARCO sword awarded to Lt Kevin Kilbane as the overall best Cadet of the 99th Cadet Class

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