An Cosantóir

May/June 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 27 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE Have you a favourite quote? It's actually an Irish one. "Nascann Dúshlán Daoine" "A challenge unites people" it's my club motto. Initially I played with Thomas Davis GAA Club in Tallaght but I'm now involved with Na Gaeil Óga CLG, an Irish speaking club based in Lucan. Have you a favourite movie? I do, I only watched it recently it's The Green Mile with Tom Hanks. It was on the other day and I watched it even though I had seen it before many times. Have you a favourite book? I love a good autobiography or sports books. One that really stood out to me was a book called 'My Brother Jason' it's a true crime story about Jason Corbett. Have you any plans or goals for the future? Not really I'm committed to the job that I'm in at the moment and I really enjoy it. I've been in the Defence Forces a long time and I actually care for the direction it's going. I want to be a part of it. It's giving me so much in my life and my career and I appreciate everything I've gotten out of the Defence Forces but for now I'm happy in the job that I'm doing right now; I still find it challenging and rewarding and as an organisation we're moving along with technology that would equal any civilian organisation out there. I like the fact that we're at the cutting edge of technology. What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self? I would say go for it, try everything, take every opportunity that's given to you and seek out as many as you can as well because not everything comes knocking on your door but push yourself out of your comfort zone. How do you find a job has changed since you've been commis- sioned? To be honest there's not much change. I was worried about it initially, being commissioned from the ranks but nothing bad has ever happened. Everyone has taken is very much as a positive. I'm back working in the same office I was before I did the course and there's no drama, it's work- ing really well. The fact that I'm in a Corps I think people really just appreci- ate you for your technical ability more than your rank. What drew you to the technical side of things? When you're in the Battalion you get to see a lot about other Corps, the Medical Corps was one I was interested in previously. The opportunity for the CIS Technician Scheme came up so I put myself out there. I had no massive technical ability before but I just wanted a new challenge, the Technicians Scheme is such a brilliant opportunity for anyone in the Defence Forces. Three years of education fully paid for by Defence Forces. What is the most valuable thing or lesson the DF has taught you? Resilience. Definitely resilience. To be able to get up and get on with things. It doesn't always go your way, but we know how to just get on with things. What advice would you give to someone considering joining the Defence Forces? I would say jump at it. Join it, as a recruit or cadet and have a look around and see what appeals to you because there's multiple opportunities in multiple Corps. If you're into fitness there's opportunities in fitness, if you're into technical things there's opportunities in the technical side of things. It's great diver- sity. It saves you from the monotony of 9 to 5. There are constantly new opportunities and as a young person you wouldn't get those opportuni- ties anywhere else. Medal Parade Day for the 108 Inf Bn UNIFIL 2013 Promotion to Cpl while serving in UNIFIL in 2013 Ciarán was part of the 10th Potential Officers Course before being Commissioned as a Lt. Capt Oman on the CIS Centenary Parade which took place in 2023

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