An Cosantóir

May/June 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir May / June 2024 2 | Contents VOLUME 84 Number 03 May/June 2024 It's your magazine A Tour Less Ordinary – the 123 Inf Bn in UNIFIL 12 Article By Lt Col Stephen MacEoin Photos by Capt Eamon Hennessy An Cosantóir 10k race poster 18 By Armn Sam Gibney ARCO: The Association of Retired Commissioned Officers 24 Article by Brig Gen Paul Pakenham (Retd) The 1st Army Reserve Probationers Course 30 Article By Cpl (RDF) Lukasz Gancarz Photos by Cpl (RDF) Lukasz Gancarz People of the DF Capt Ciarán Oman 26 Interview by Cpl Martin Bennett Photos by Capt Ciarán Oman On Parade 04 Sports & Clubs 31 From the Archives 34 DF Infrastructure 08 Article By Col Damien McEvoy Photos by Col Damien McEvoy The Strength of an Army is in its Soldiers 14 Article by BSM David O'Reilly, in a continuation of our Leadership series Photos by BSM David O'Reilly The Irish Volunteers at War, 1916 – 1923 22 Article By Tom O'Neill, Comdt RDF (Retd) Photos by Tom O'Neill, Comdt RDF (Retd) PSS & Overseas Deployments 32 Article by Lt Col John Martin Tactical Casualty Combat Care. EUMAM-UA & Irish Defence Forces 28 Article By RSM David O'Connor Photos by RSM David O'Connor Software Defined Radio 10 Interview By Sgt Barry Sheehan Photos by Armn Sam Gibney The 99th Cadet Class 16 Photos provided by Comdt Gary Ryan The Defence Forces Rowing Club 20 Article By BQMS Dave Williams Photos by BQMS Dave Williams

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