An Cosantóir

July August 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Page 30 of 31 the defence forces magazine | 13 55 armoured patrols and escorts per month and have sup- ported the mission's engineering, policing, transport and logistics, catering, and medical assets. "The Force Reserve Company also assisted with medical and security training for the Civilian Security Section. Neither was the FRC found wanting with the numerous operations that they conducted or assisted in. This was particularly evi- dent on 30th August 2014 when the FRC evacuated 32 Filipino peacekeepers from UN Post 69. "Outside of military and peacekeeping duties, your unit also showed a deep concern for those in need. This contin- gent raised over $3,300 for the Jack and Jill Foundation in Ireland, which aids and assists families of children who suffer severe intellectual and physical developmental delay. This magnificent gesture is in the proudest traditions of Irish peacekeepers. "The turbulence associated with the relocation of the mission from the Alpha to the Bravo side impacted heavily on the conduct of the mandate. Despite this, you performed magnificently and professionally and made the vital differ- ence when it was required. The mission leadership has been fulsome in its praise for the operational effectiveness of the FRC in the successful completion of the necessary relocation. You very quickly re-established your capabilities and restored a high tempo on the Alpha side. Operational success is driven by leadership, planning, competence, resources, training, rehearsals and exercises; and through courage. This Infantry Group demonstrated all of those capabilities and compe- tences in spades. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your exemplary service to UNDOF, the United Nations, and the govern- ment of Ireland. The post-modern soldier must be a diplo- mat, a scholar, an innovator and a warrior. My proud Irish soldiers, you are the very epitome of post-modern soldiers. Congratulations, and be very proud of your contribution to UNDOF in its efforts to support peace and stability in this troubled region." Minister for Defence Simon Coveney TD and Defence Forces Chief of Staff Lt Gen Conor O'Boyle greet members of the 44th Infantry Group on their arrival home to Ireland. Photo: Cpl Deco Parkes | 31

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