An Cosantóir

July August 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 9 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE across the surface of the skin is very small and noisy requiring it to be conditioned before being read by the MCU. This process involves taking the difference of a dual input, amplifying this difference and bandpass filtering the signal before being read by the MCU. The MCU takes multiple samples of this signal and calculates the RMS (Root Mean Square) providing a valuable, less noisy signal for interpretation. Once the MCU has collected values from these sensors and has completed its calculations, the data is transmitted wirelessly over Wi-Fi using MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) communication protocol. This data can be viewed by any device that is connected to the same LAN (Local Area Network) by searching the IP address of the local web server provided the device has entered the correct username and password. DF Waste management system created by Pte Darragh Carey The Irish army has a long-standing relationship with the United Nations, our largest mission being United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), spanning back to 1978, With this ever- present force in Lebanon comes a large ecological footprint within the country from our troops. With people comes waste and currently the collection and proper management of waste falls on the shoulders of the DF personnel. Responsible waste management is essential for environmental sustainability, operational efficiency, and positive community relations. Currently personnel are detailed for the collection of waste around the camp and Observation Posts (OPs) taking personnel away from mission-critical tasks. The current method can be counter effective as waste may build up before designated collection times causing overflowing, this can have adverse effects on the environment and health of the troops and also long journeys to OPs could prove unnecessary as the bins may not need to be collected at the designated time. This project implements an IoT waste management system to help monitor the state of the bins in camp and OPs to help with efficiency of collection, preventing overflowing while also reducing the workforce, the ecological and carbon footprint caused by our troops, and reducing costs by constant monitoring and optimizing waste collection routes and times. The bins weight and level can be monitored from a mobile application and website allowing the monitoring of the state of the bins across the camps and OPs preventing a build-up of waste and optimising waste collection routes. The system is also solar powered prolonging battery life. GPS-Guided Autonomous Lawnmower by A/M Craig Ratchford Description: The idea behind this project was to design and develop a GPS-guided autonomous lawnmower, tailored for maintaining large grassland areas, specifically around the runways of the Irish Air Corps. The lawnmower uses various electronic and communication systems to allow autonomous operation, efficient grass cutting, and enhanced safety, as well as reduced downtime of runways while increasing efficiency. Some Key Components and Features: 1. Drive System: The lawnmower is equipped with small high torque DC motors for driving and directionality. 2. Cutting Mechanism: A small high speed DC motor powers the cutting blade. The height of the blade is adjustable via a servo motor, allowing for customization of the grass height. 3. GPS Navigation: The mower uses a highly accurate GPS system with centimetre-level precision. This system defines a virtual boundary or perimeter within which the mower operates. 4. Boundary Learning and Control: A user-friendly Phone application was developed as part of the project. This application allows users to teach the mower the perimeter of the garden or grass area. As the lawnmower is driven around the boundary using this App, it records GPS waypoints. These waypoints form a virtual boundary. This is then fed into an algorithm which allows the mower users to determine where it is within the virtual boundary. 5. Obstacle Avoidance: The system includes obstacle detection and avoidance mechanisms. This feature prevents collisions with humans, pets, and other obstacles, ensuring safety during operation. 6. Communication System: The lawnmower is equipped with a communication system capable of sending alert SMS messages to designated personnel. These alerts notify specific personnel such as the BOS, orderly Officer of various events, such as collisions, blade exposure, or potential theft. 7. Central Control Unit: A central microcontroller coordinates all aspects of the mower's operations, including navigation, motor control, obstacle avoidance, and communication. Application: The autonomous lawnmower is designed to maintain extensive grass areas, particularly those around airport runways, where manual mowing can be labour-intensive and time-consuming and expensive. The use of high-precision GPS allows for efficient and consistent grass cutting within defined boundaries. The system's safety features, and remote alert capabilities make it suitable for operation in sensitive and potentially hazardous areas, such as military airbases. This project brings together everything learned over three years of studying electronic engineering, including both hardware and software aspects. It involves building and programming a GPS- guided autonomous lawnmower, putting problem- solving and testing skills into real-world practice. The project combines knowledge from different areas of electronics and shows how to create a practical and useful device from start to finish. 3rd Year CIS TTS Students and Project Names Rank Name Project Name Pte Carey DF Waste Management System Pte Monaghan Breathing Apparatus Entry Control Board Pte Cooper LIDAR Smart-Chair Navigator Pte Blums TechTop Pte McKiernan BOS Logger Pte Christie DF Smart Harness Pte Doris UV Monitoring and Protection System Pte Sneyd Road Traffic Accident Monitoring system Gnr Clery Low-Cost Automated External Defibrillator Pte Shea Swimming pool Monitoring System Cpl O' Callaghan Duty Alcohol Detector (D.A.D) A/M Ratchford GPS Guided Autonomous Lawnmower Sgmn Houlihan CIS Base Workshops Vehicle Management System Pte Darragh Carey A/M Craig Ratchford

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