An Cosantóir

Nov Dec 2024

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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| 43 THE DEFENCE FORCES MAGAZINE maintain a presence at sea. It is a great opportunity to show just what being in the military family is all about. If you can take a few minutes to check in with your colleagues overseas or on duty and wish them well. It is also a good idea to make sure that the families of our deployed people are ok, and to help them if we can. It may be just a cup of tea, or a bit of help transporting and putting up the Christmas tree, but every little helps, and is always appreciated. I would like to mention the people of 124 IRISHBATT who returned home recently, and to wish them the very best in settling back home after a difficult deployment. Christmas is not always a great season for everybody. In the middle of all the hustle and bustle some of us may be having a difficult time. Mental health problems, health issues, relationships, finances and life events can all affect our ability to enjoy Christmas as much as we would like to. It is a great time of the year to check in with anyone of our friends or family who may be having a tough time. We can seriously underestimate the value of a simple phone call, or a short visit, in helping people feel better and stronger. In the end it's all about taking care of each other. The INSPIRE confidential counselling service will be available throughout the Christmas period. The service is also available to the spouse and partners of serving military people, and to any of their children over the age of 18 who are living at home. The number to call is 1800 817 433. The INSPIRE Hub is a super free resource available at inspiresupporthub. org. You can access mental health tools and information that can be of assistance in planning your Christmas. Your Personnel Support Service (PSS) is a team of trained military people and senior occupational social workers, available in all locations within the Defence Forces. We offer a free, professional and confidential service to all members of the Defence Forces and to their families all year round. Please feel free to contact your local PSS team at any time, to get some advice, information or guidance, or just to say hello. Whatever Christmas means to you and to your family, I hope that it is a time of joy and rest, of meaning and of fun. And on behalf of all the team in the Personnel Support Service I would like to wish you happiness, success and peace in everything that you do in 2025. If anything that you have read in this article has caused upset, or if you would simply like more information on any of the points made, then please feel free to contact The Samaritans are always available at 116 123. God bless you and protect you and your families this Christmas. Useful Resources over the Christmas Period Useful Resources over the Christmas Period Web: Email: Registered Charity Number: 20204601 Up to 11 standard drinks (110g alcohol) spread out over one week Up to 17 standard drinks (170g alcohol) spread out over one week HSE low-risk guidelines HAVE AT LEAST TWO ALCOHOL-FREE DAYS IN THE WEEK ALCOHOL & YOU GET THE FACTS YOU NEED TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS ABOUT ALCOHOL HALF PINT LAGER (4.5%, 284ml) 81 calories GLASS WINE (12.5%, 100ml) 76 calories PUB MEASURE OF SPIRITS (40%, 35.5ml) 79 calories EXAMPLES OF ONE STANDARD DRINK Freecall 1800817433 The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

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