An Cosantóir

June 2014

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Page 24 of 39 the defence forces magazine | 25 the single force concept gives us the opportunity to benefit from the skills and support of our PDF counterparts." "When 25 Inf Bn amalgamated with 18 Inf Bn in 2005 to form 51 Res Inf Bn the reservists in Clifden took that chal- lenge head on," Capt Leahy says. "For us this re-org is no different. We are very positive about it and up to the task. Our identity is now 1 Cn Cois, the cadre staff are being filtered out, and we now have to step up to the mark in many aspects." Both of the unit's antecedents, 25 Inf Bn and 51 Res Inf Bn, bring with them a competitive heritage with many victo- ries at all-Army orienteering and shoot- ing competitions and Capt Leahy and Sgt Foyle are adamant that C Coy, 1 Cn Cois, will be no different. Central to the single force concept is integrated training and the reservists of 1 Cn Cois travelled to Tralee Military Post and the Macgillycuddy Reeks last August for an exercise watched by the battalion OC, Lt Col Kevin McCarthy. "First I have to say we are very lucky in 1 Cn Cois," Lt Col McCarthy told us. "The reservists that are now part of our battalion, from the privates to the company command- ers, are extremely enthusiastic and are working very hard." The exercise OC, reservist Comdt Michael Reynolds, told us: "The re-org has been difficult and there have been a lot of challenges but everyone is very positive and enthusiastic. The reserve companies of 1 Cn Cois now include troops that had previ- ously served in medical, military police, engineer, transport, or cavalry units, so we have no shortage of skills when we go on exercises, particularly medics and drivers, two support elements you are usually crying out for. The skill transfer is fantastic and is there for all the bat- talion to benefit from." CQMS Declan Rafferty, originally a medic in 51 Res Fd Med Coy agreed: "It's a big change. I'm learning soldiering now but I'm also the company medic, which the CO is very happy with." While many of C Coy's members are from the Clifden area, others come from all around Connemara and further afield. When we asked them where they came from we heard Carna, Rosmuc, Inverin, Rosaveil, Rosscahill, Uachtar Ard, Athenry, Lough Ree, Ballinasloe, and An Spidéal, among others. As the Gaeilgeoir unit of the Defence Forces 1 Cn Cois prides itself on having many native speakers and promoting the country's first language through- out the Defence Forces. In that regard, Capt Leahy explained that C Company is doing its bit as nearly three-quar- ters of the company are native Irish speakers, born and raised in Gaeltacht areas of Galway. Clearly, C Coy, 1 Cn Cois, is doing a fine job in keeping the Defence Forces' most westerly flag flying high.

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