An Cosantóir

Connect March 2012

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Defence Forces Newsletter Spot the difference COMPETITION LAST ISSUES' WINNER WAS CONOR MC CRORY. To be in with a chance of winning some An Cosantoir goodies, find the 10 missing items, mark them on the photo and post it in by 30th April to: Spot The Difference, Connect, DFHQ, Block 5, Ceannt Bks, Curragh Camp, Co.Kildare Name Address Phone Email DF New ID Cards The DF are in the process of rolling out a new high tech ID card to all members of the DF as the present ID cards are being produced on machinery that is over thirty five years old. The card will help enhance the security of military installations and will also help the administration processes within the PMS. After identifying the need for the new cards Lt Col Cahill went on to design the new cards with many security features that should future proof the card. The new card production system will extract the user infor- mation directly from the PMS and transfer it onto the new card. If the user holds a DF driving permit the new card system will include this information on the reverse of the new ID card. The digital image of the user will be saved into the PMS as well as being printed onto the new card for use on documents such as the SAD document and it will become available to unit commanders and other users as required. On the reverse side of the card, there is a 3D hologram of the "DF" badge. The DF have purchased machines necessary to produce the cards. Production will be undertaken by DF personnel in area records shortly. A photograph (digital image) of the user will be included on the front of the card, along with the user information. The card will be heat sealed with a DF designed security Kinegram Hologram. The cards will also include the following security features:- micro printing, ultra violet images of the harp, anti-copying features, secure laminate overlay, user signature and the user DF number in a bar code. Medical Card To qualify for a medical card your weekly income must be below a certain figure for your family size. Cash income, savings; investments and property (except for your own home) are taken into account in the means test (see the PSS for guidelines). Normally, your family is also covered for the same range of health ser- vices. Medical cardholders pay the Universal Social Charge on their income, but at a maximum rate of 4%. GP Visit Cards: If you do not qualify for a medical card, you may qualify for a GP Visit Card. It is means tested, but the income limits are 50% higher than for the medical card. For more information on these cards contact your Local PSS Office. You can also apply online for a medical card on www.medi- This is the quickest method of obtaining the card. You can also contact the HSE Information line: Call save 1850 24 1850. New NCO Promotion System The new NCO Promotion Board System is due to begin around March/April across the entire DF. The system itself is awaiting sanctioning by the DOD before it is put into operation. The new system is open to all NCO candidates who are eligible for promotion, i.e. have a Std, Snr or a similar course that is re- quired for promotion. Briefings will be held prior to the com- mencement of the system by respective Bde staff. At these briefings and at unit level, cop- ies of the new system, criteria and related documents will be readily available. Additional information will be placed on the electronic notice board and on the DHRM intranet site.

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