An Cosantóir

March 2018

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir March 2018 14 | Below is a list of times that the DF has planned to run recruitment competitions in the coming months. coMPetitioNS for eNliStMeNt 2018 • RDF competition is open during April and May 2018 and will run for approximately six weeks. • PDF competition is open during March and April 2018 and will run for approximately four weeks. • Cadetship competition is open during February and March 2018 and will run for approximately four weeks. • Air Corps Apprentice Aircraft Technician is open during Feb- ruary and March 2018 and will run for approximately four weeks. The eligibility criteria for each area is covered on the website. There will also be advertising notices for each competition put up on social media, newspapers, so keep checking the website and social media for information. Application forms are submitted online through the website and are only avail- able when the various recruitment competitions are open. The DF does not accept applications when competitions are closed. The information you will be required to give on this application in- cludes contact details, date of birth, nationality, preferred brigade for enlistment (the DF will try to facilitate enlisting personnel into Bdes that they prefer, but this is not always possible) and if you have a criminal record. What happenS after yOu cOmplete yOur applicatiOn? 2018 tiMeliNe: aPPlicatioNS Should take aPProx 4 MoNthS + So, you have submitted your application online, what happens next. Well a week after the closing date of the competition for ap- plications, you will receive correspondence informing you about the next stage of your enlistment. The enlistment process con- sists of five stages. You will only progress to the next stage if you successfully complete each stage to the minimum eligible criteria. Stage 1: PSychoMetric teStiNg 2.5 MoNthS All applicants who meet the minimum eligibility criteria on ap- plication will be invited to take an online Psychometric Test. Appli- cants will be given information about the test on their invitation email. Psychometric testing is designed to test your verbal and numerical reasoning. The test is completed online and will take about 30-minutes to complete. You will be given one week to practice online prior to the real test so you can familiarise yourself with the sort of questions that will be asked. You will then have one week to log on and complete the real test. Applicants will be given their results within a week of the clos- ing date of the test. Candidates who are successful in achieving the minimum eligible criteria will progress to the next stage. If you wish to know more about psychometric testing, please visit the website. StageS 2/3: fitNeSS teSt/iNterview 2.5 - 3.5 mOnthS All candidates who are successful at the Psychometric Testing phase will be notified by email and will be invited to attend a Fitness Testing centre, located in Dublin, the Curragh, Cork and Naval Base, where they will be required to complete the DF induc- tion fitness test. This test is pass or fail. If you are a dual candidate for the Army and Naval Service you will only be required to pass one test. The Fitness test is composed of two aspects; they are Lo- cal Muscular Endurance and Aerobic Endurance. Local Muscular Endurance tests candidates on their ability to complete a certain number of push-ups and sit-ups over a given time of one minute. • 20 push-ups (modified for females) and 20 sit-ups for a mini- mum eligible criterion Aerobic Endurance tests candidates on their ability to run one and a half miles within a specific time limit. • Males – 11 minutes & 40 seconds • Females – 13 minutes & 10 seconds Candidates who are successful at the Fitness Assessment Centre will be asked to attend an interview, which is held on the same day as the Fitness Test. The interview is competency based where Candidates will be assessed under the follow- ing competencies: Ability to work under pressure, Teamwork, Motivation and Career Orientation. StageS 4/5: Medical/Security clearaNce 3.5 MoNthS Candidates who are successful at the Fitness and Interview stages, will then be invited to attend a full medical examination. This will be a thorough medical examination that will include hearing, vision and blood work. In conjunction with this, all candidates will be security vetted by An Garda Síochána. Candidates will be required to pass both medical examination and security vetting to be considered for induction. Candidates must also supply two referees as part of the security vetting process. offer of eMPloyMeNt 4 MoNthS + Congratulations you have made it through the Enlistment pro- cess, and have been offered employment. You will now start your training to become a member of the DF team, this training will be a challenging but enjoyable time and we look forward to seeing you among our ranks. if you have aNy QueStioNS or Need More iNforMatioN PleaSe coNtact our recruitMeNt aNd coMPetitioNS office oN: lo-call: 1890 426555, office: 045 49 2553/2555 or email: address: Recruitment Section, Defence Forces Headquarters, Dept. of Defence, Station Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, W12 AD93

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