An Cosantóir

March 2018

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir March 2018 6 | New MechaNiSed iNfaNtry On Thursday 8th February 2018 members of the 108th Recruit Platoon of the 1 Mech Inf Coy passed out in the DFSPE, DFTC. Pictured are Privates 2-Star Darren Smith and Casey Teevan. Photo: Sgt Willie Smith Retd Pictured is three generations of the Daly family, with veteran Cpl Ronnie Daly with 40-years-service beside his grandson 2-star Pte Lorcan Daly of the 108th Platoon, 1 MIC, DFTC and his father Sgt David Daly 7 Inf Bn, with 16-years- service. Photo: Ronnie Daly it'S a fair city Pictured in the RTE soap 'Fair City' recently after the funeral-scene with actor Karl Shiels (as Robbie Quinn) are ONE members' from Fr James Gilmore Branch, Athlone Branch and the Michael McNeela Branch. The show was broadcasted on the 17th January 2018. Photo: Sean Shinnors l/S Michael QuiNN dSM reMeMbered On Sunday 28th January 2018, the Dublin Branch of the Irish Naval Association, named in honour of Leading Seaman Michael Quinn DSM, assembled at Michael's memorial plaque in his hometown of Drogheda to remember his passing in Bantry Bay on 30th January 1990. Our President, Bryan Gildea, laid a wreath and honours rendered. Pictured L/R: Paddy O'Leary, Alan Farrell, Jim Faye (ONE), Bryan Gildea (President), Damien Eastwood, Roy Glynn, Neville Brennan, Dermott O'Neill, Brian O'Hagan and Brian Farrell (Chairman). Photo: Alan T Ryan, Secretary, L/S Michael Quinn DSM Branch, Irish Naval Association New JuNior leaderS On Friday 9th February, 51 members of the 52nd Potential NCO course, 2 BTC, passed out in a ceremony in McKee Bks in front of family and friends. GOC 2 Bde, Brig Gen Howard Berney inspected the parade. Friendships for life were formed, when students came together from 11 different units from within the Defence Forces and trained together for over 26 weeks. Awards were presented to – 'Most Popular' student: 1 Pl Pte Murphy, 27 Inf Bn, and 2 Pl Pte Ward, 28 Inf Bn. Best Soldier: 1 Pl Pte Clarke, 7 Inf Bn, and 2 Pl Gnr McGee, 2 BAR. With Pte Clarke, 7 Inf Bn also voted 'Best Overall Student' and he received the Martin Dee Award from OC 2 BTC, Comdt William Collins. Photos: Cpl Colin Delany, HQ 2 Bde

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