An Cosantóir

June 2014

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir June 2014 14 | 42 Inf gp recently conducted a young entry course on crowd and riot con- trol (CRC) and a PT leaders course at their HQ in At Tiri, South Lebanon, for the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF). The UNIFIL mission, among other things, sets down an end-state that requires enhanced support to the LAF to ensure that it reaches an operating capacity to be in a position to take over full security responsibility for South Lebanon. Responsibility implies capability, and UNIFIL, through the Strategic Dia- logue mechanism are working with the LAF, the government of Lebanon, international donors and troop-contributing countries to build such capabil- ity within the LAF. In order to better develop the relationship with the LAF, to increase the cohesiveness of our combined operations, and to support the building of LAF capability at the tactical level within our AO, Lt Col Ray yorke (OC 42 Inf Gp) proposed a programme of limited training support to the LAF within 42 Inf Gp's means and capabilities. This programme, developed by the unit DCO, Comdt Caroline Burke, in conjunction with OC B Coy, Comdt Niall O'Hara, provides a platform on which subsequent contingents can build in order to support the LAF in a tangible, measurable and enduring way. The courses offered reflected the instructor expertise within 42 Inf Gp and ranged from physical and medical training, unarmed combat and mine awareness, to CIED training and basic operational English. B Coy was tasked with running the two courses completed to date. A platoon of LAF soldiers deployed to UNP 2-45 for the intense week-long CRC course in early February. The 24 students comprised a platoon commander, NCOs and privates. Language issues were overcome with the help of 42 Inf Gp's language assistant, Ali Fawaz, who was attached to B Company for the duration of the course. Capt Waldron and his fellow B Coy instructors, Lt Brian McIntyre, Cpl David Daly and Cpl Brian Geraghty, gave the students a valuable insight into the standards and discipline expected in a public order situation and their instruction was enthusiastically received by the students, who were very keen to learn. The PT leaders course, conducted at UNP 2-45 between April 24th-28th, was attended by 18 LAF students, mostly officers and NCOs. Sgt Shay Hawe, and Cpl Ian Woods, both B Coy, put the students through their paces for the week, which turned out to be very physically demanding but also very rewarding for the students, all of whom, despite being a little stiff and sore at the end, thoroughly enjoyed the course. Again, the participating troops got a valuable insight and appreciation of PT and the importance of physical fitness as a basic requirement for every soldier. There was also a very important social aspect to the courses as the stu- dents were accommodated at UNP 2-45 and completely integrated into the camp. Good friendships were built around the pool table, dart board, and of course while cheering on favoured teams on Sky Sports. The fact that all students on both courses passed is a testament both to the enthusiasm of the students and the quality of instruction from the officer and NCO instructors of B Coy. The next training planned will cover operational English for joint patrols and basic medical training. I will leave the last word with Lt Col yorke, who said: "This training support initiative has been very positive for the LAF and 42 Inf Gp. We have estab- lished a very good rapport at the tactical level that will ultimately benefit our joint operations." SuppOrtiNg the LAF by LT DONNACHA REILLy (PIO, 42 INF GP, UNIFIL)

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