An Cosantóir

June 2014

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Page 14 of 39 the defence forces magazine | 15 by SGT WAyNE FITZGERALD PHOTOS SGT MICHAEL BURKE R ecently An Cosantóir caught up with the Irish Military Vehicle group (IMVg) at their vehicle workshops and clubhouse near Naas, Co Kildare. The group was formed in April 2005 with the aim of saving old military vehicles from the scrap yard. Not only do they save them, they repair and restore them for public display throughout the country and beyond. The group has 45 members and 38 vehicles (including nine bikes, five AC- MATs, a Nissan Patrol, a Mercedes saloon, a MAN truck, and many more). So far in 2013/14 the group has worked on restoring a 1954 Alvis Saracen APC, three Land-Rovers, a modern ambulance and a 1938 BSA motorcycle; all of which required major work. The Saracen, which was discovered in a paintball arena where it had sat for the last 12 years. The vehicle is un- dergoing restoration at present, its pictured by the group below left when found, and undercoated right. Hopefully it will go on display this summer. IMVG will hold their annual mili- tary show in Naas Racecourse on 21st and 22nd June (from 10am to 6pm). The show is now in its seventh year and its third in Naas, having previously been held in Swords, Co Dublin. The IMVG also display vehicles at about 18 other shows a year throughout the country. Their first this year, in Johnstown, Co Kilkenny, in January, was held to commemorate the crash of a B17 bomber in 1944. On March 16th they visited a show in Fermanagh, and then it was back down to Kildare for the St Patrick's Day Parade in Newbridge and the Easter Parade in Naas. Upcoming projects for the group include the restoration of a 1956 Mk I and a 1960s Mk II Humber 'Pig' and a French ALM-ACMAT from the early 1960s. While the 'Pig' is synonymous with the British Army during the Troubles in Northern Ireland, some were leased by the Defence Forces for service in Cyprus during the early years of UNICyP. The ACMAT (Ateliers de Construction Méca- nique de L'Atlantique) probably saw service in North Africa as these models were purposely built for the French Army and French Foreign Le- gion serving in Algeria. Events ex- ecutive Kieran Flynn (who was IMVG chairman 2005-09) told us: "We have a great core of people here, both serving and retired, including school teach- ers and military enthusiasts, and we have been asked to attend everything from wed- dings to funerals." The IMVG's current principal officers are Mick Jones DSM (chairman), Jenny Kelly (secretary), Conor McDonnell (treasurer) and Dermot O'Connor (PRO). The IMVG welcomes visitors to its storage facility and workshop, where they can see the vehicles, meet the mem- bers, and get a feel for how the group operates. Members of IMVG are always interested in meeting people who share their interests and you don't have to own a vehicle to join the group. If you are interested in military history and the part vehicles have played in the great events of the last 100 years, please visit or contact IMVG through you can also meet members of the group at any of the upcoming shows: Duncannon Military Weekend, Co Wex- ford (31st May - 2nd June), IMVg Military Vehicle and Re- enactment show, Naas Racecourse, Co Kildare (21st - 22nd June), War & Peace Show, Kent, UK, (11th - 23rd July), Cork gaol Military Show (9th - 10th August) & gerard Murphy Memorial, Ferns, Co Wexford (5th October). SuppOrtiNg the LAF Saracen undercoated Saracen Restoration Crew

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