An Cosantóir

June 2014

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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An Cosantóir June 2014 30 | by SGT WAyNE FITzGERALD THE 100th ANNIVERSARy OF THE OUTbREAK OF WORLD WAR ONE I t is beyond doubt that WWI helped shape and cre- ate the world over the last century. The power of the great houses of the Victorian and Edwardian eras was vastly diminished, women joined the work force in many roles other than the traditional one of domestic service and also got the vote in britain and Ireland in 1918, and new technologies developed during the war effort were harnessed to drive forward indus- trialisation. On the battlefield poison gas, air power, mass-produced artillery and ammunition, new types of weapons and explosives, submarine warfare, and tank warfare all made their baleful appearance. Many factors were involved on the road to the Great War. One of the most significant was a change in the balance of power. Although it was the arrival of Germany onto the interna- tional scene that led to an unbal- anced Europe, in this on-line piece we will look at why the Balkans became the tip- ping point. Two main factors that disturbed the balance of power that had held sway for almost a century, since the Congress of Vienna in 1815, were the unifica- tion of Germany and the vacuum in the Balkans that arose from the increasing decline of the power of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which had ruled the region since the 15th century. Throughout the 19th century Greece, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro and Bulgaria had all achieved their independence and in 1878 Bosnia was ceded by the Ottomans to be administered by the Austro-Hungarians under the Treaty of Berlin. In 1908 Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia, a move that enraged Serbia because of the large amount of ethnic Serbs living in Bosnia, as well as other Slavs, of whom the Serbs saw themselves as natural leaders. They also felt Bosnia should be united with them in a Greater Serbia.

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