An Cosantóir

March 2018

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Page 34 of 39 the defence forces magazine | 35 author: Dominic Price Publisher: Collins Press (October 2017) iSbN: 978-1-84889-331-3 Pages: 288 Price: €24.99 HB Dominic Price, has in his latest work turned his keen historical eye to the often-claustrophobic streets of Dublin during the period of the War of Independence and the role of both the Dublin Brigade of the IRA and their smaller, but even more ruthless counterpart the 'Squad'. There have been many previous works on this particular aspect of the period, so this latest work has to elbow its way into a crowded publishing field. It is to the credit of the author that this work compares more than favourably to its predecessors. But its particular strength is grounded in the research of the author particular in the rich archival vein of Military Archives' and its embedded Pension's Bureau of the period, in addition to a swathe of other comprehensive sources. This period and the brutal intelligence battle waged between the Crown Forces and the IRA has become a key portal in the academic study of insurgency and urban terrorism in particular. He chronicles how under the tutelage of Michael Collins the Squad first decapitated police intelligence of the G Division (mostly native-born Irishmen) and subsequent actions against British Army intelligence operatives. The events of Bloody Sunday, in November 1920 when both the Squad and Dublin Brigade combined to eliminate the British army intelligence capacity (the so-called Cairo Gang) in the city are laid out in both painstaking and horrifying detail. Price concludes his book with a chilling chapter on the role of the Dublin Brigade in ruthlessly suppressing anti-treaty IRA forces in Kerry during the period of the Irish Civil War, where what can only be described as sheer terror tactics were utilised in an often- fratricidal conflict. A chilling yet fascinating account, with the morbid final coda furnished by Price of the deep and enduring physiological effects of the conflict that traumatized the combatants in later life. rf We Bled tOgether Michael collins, the squad and the dublin brigade thOSe Of uS WhO muSt die execution, exile & revival after the easter rising author: Derek Molyneux & Darren Kelly Publisher: Collins Press (September 2017) iSbN: 978-1-84889-325-2 Pages: 320 Price: €17.99 PB This is both a sad and poignant book that charts in detail the events immediately post the 1916 Rising, outlining the events of the trials and execution of the main leaders of the Revolution. An Irish Nationalist militia had been established in 1913, ostensibly formed as a response to the formation of the Ulster Volunteers in 1912. A minority retained the name Irish Volunteers, while the majority some 90% became the National Volunteers' who supported Home Rule and many of whom enlisted in the 10th and 16th (Irish) Divisions of the British army, leaving the Irish Volunteers' with a rump estimated at some 10,000 to 14,000 members. This split, proved advantageous to the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), natural heirs of the militant Fenian tradition; which was now in a position to control this organisation for insurrectionary purposes. Often referred to as the Easter Rising, the events of 1916 were in essence an insurrectionary putsch planned by the IRB and the Irish Citizen Army (ICA), whose able leader James Connolly had been admitted to the revolutionary conspiracy in January 1916 post the split in the Volunteers at the outbreak of war. Death by violence is by definition traumatic and the balance in the book is not only the traumatic effect on the families of the rebels but also on the young 'Tommies' who were mustered for the grisly task of the Firing Squads. There are many heroes in the book who bravely met their fate, but the authors in particular are to be commended on highlighting the role of the mothers, wife's and sisters of the executed often left with young families who displayed a stoicism that is difficult for the modern reader to comprehend. rf OperatiOn lir a sands of tiMe adventure (book 1) author: Paul O'Brien Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC (February 2018) aSiN: B079MD5XSY Pages: 894 Price: €1.10 eBook 'Operation Lir' is a rip-roaring fictional action adventure from the pen of Military Historian, author and regular contributor to An Cosantóir, Paul O'Brien. This story follows the legendary Finn MacCool (yes that guy) as he goes through his SOFQ course selection for the Irish Army Ranger Wing (yes those guys) and his assignment to Alpha Team. Finn's first mission is to Co. Cork, where a simple recon turns in to a daring rescue mission. Boarding a ship to rescue a high-value-asset, the operatives are confronted by armed Tangos and a game of cat and mouse ensues where they have to use all their training and skills to complete the mission. As you can guess the body count is high with the ARW giving as good as they get. This is the first in a series of stories and top marks to O'Brien for this short yet action-packed adventure that champions an Irish military unit while so many other authors choose to look abroad. Highly recommended, especially as its just over a euro and is definitely worth checking out. Download now from Amazon. Wf

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