An Cosantóir

March 2018

An Cosantóir the official magazine of the Irish Defence Forces and Reserve Defence Forces.

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Page 32 of 39 the defence forces magazine | 33 The GAA are always looking for new referees are you interested in becoming a referee? think you can do better? then "Put your whistle where your mouth is" and "become a gaa referee" The GAA have Referee Administrators & Recruitment Officers in each of the 32 counties to help you get started and as- sist you in progress as a referee. why becoMe a gaa referee? • Stay involved with the game as an alternative to playing. • Fitness – It's a great way to keep fit. • Ambition – could you referee a County Final or even an All-Ireland? • Learn more about the game. • Give Something Back - offers players, at the end of their playing days, the opportunity to continue in the sport. • Personal Development - helps to develop personal skills that are of value in all walks of life. what QualitieS are reQuired to becoMe a gaa referee? • Good knowledge of the playing rules. • Be physically and mentally fit. • Have the ability to remain calm. • Have the moral courage to take decisions, which are correct. How do I become a Referee? The first thing to do, is to contact your local Referee Administrator or Recruitment Officer who will give you details on upcoming GAA Referee Foundation Course in your local area, which you will have to complete before you can referee games. GAA Club Referee Course will take 3 nights to complete and will be delivered by GAA Referee Tutors. lists of the relevant contacts for your county are available on http://learning.

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